Yang Wanyu
Ph.D. in Economics,
National University of Singapore, 2017(expected)
B.S. in Mathematics and Economics,
Nanyang Technological University, 2012
Research Interests:
Health Economics and Labor Economics
Housing Economics and Chinese Economy
#06-02, AS2, 1 Arts Link, Department of Economics,
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 117570
Email: wanyu_yang19@u.nus.edu; wanyu19@gmail.com
Tel: (+65) 9897 0523
Homepage: http://wanyu19.wixsite.com/home
2012-2017 (expected), Ph.D. in Economics, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
2008- 2012, B.S. in Mathematics and Economics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Honors and Awards
2012-2016, Research Scholarship, NUS, Singapore
AY2013/2014 and AY2015/2016, Graduate Students’ Teaching Award, NUS, Singapore
AY2008/2009 and AY2009/2010, President Research Scholar, NTU, Singapore
Research Interests
Health Economics and Labor Economics
Housing Economics and Chinese Economy
Job Market Paper
Expenditure Response of Patients to Health Insurance Policies: Evidence from Rural China, with Yi Lu and Ju Shi
Working Papers
Gender Identity and Relative Residential Location Choice, with Haoming Liu
Discount Rates from Singapore’s HDB Housing Market, with Eric Fesselmeyer, Haoming Liu, and Alberto Salvo
Teaching Fields
Money and Banking, and Microeconomics
Teaching Awards
AY2013/2014 and AY2015/2016, Graduate Students’ Teaching Award, NUS, Singapore
Teaching Experience
Spring 2016: Microeconomic Analysis II (EC3101), Teaching Assistant (Teaching Feedback Report)
Fall 2015: Microeconomic Analysis II (EC3101), Teaching Assistant (Teaching Feedback Report)
Spring 2015: Microeconomic Analysis II (EC3101), Teaching Assistant (Teaching Feedback Report)
Spring 2014: Microeconomic Analysis II (EC3101), Teaching Assistant (Teaching Feedback Report)
Fall 2013: Money and Banking I (EC3332), Teaching Assistant (Teaching Feedback Report)
#06-02, AS2, 1 Arts Link, Department of Economics,
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 117570
Email: wanyu_yang19@u.nus.edu; wanyu19@gmail.com
Tel: (+65) 9897 0523
Homepage: http://wanyu19.wix.com/home